Certification chat does not leak! Gender Development 'Letter Sealing' security guards.

Male develop a new feature called Letter Sealing to protect user data. Chu how advanced encryption End-To-End ready for use, all accessories ...

Whether it works or what service on the Internet. We should give priority to the safety of all. But ... it seems Internet users most often ignored and overlooked the last line has released security features in a "Letter Sealing" to increase safety standards for protecting text chat, as well as applications on the machine. PC

The Letter Sealing is a new feature from offline to enhance security and protect text chat. With advanced encryption To protect the security of a comprehensive text chat on both smart phones and computers. Also available on smartphones and operating systems iOS and Android. The installed application since version 5.3.0 Line up the computer for Windows and Mac OS X.

For security, advanced encryption Letter Sealing is used by End-To-End (E2EE), which relies on the keys are created and stored locally on the device, smart phone users. Lock and decryption of messages To prevent the contents of the text chat users will be disclosed or was spying on the server. The chat is offline apps first option with such advanced security systems. Because encryption E2EE is safe when the conversation the two sides enabled Letter Sealing on their device.

However, the use offline smart phone with Android. It will be set to activate automatically. While the operating system Android on other devices. Including users through smart phones on the system's OS. Will be enabled through setting Setting Letter Sealing currently available only to private chat messages (IM 1: 1) and the sharing of address (Share Location).

The Letter Sealing Line also offers security features, such features video cassette (Hidden Chat) and features Passcode (Passcode Lock) The line is still under development program LINE Bug Bounty for use in receiving reports of crashes. The system may occur to the user. To be able to fix it quickly.

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